Computer Networking Tutorials

Basic information on Networking topics for understanding network architecture and types of monitoring and management software.

Sunday, September 25, 2005

TCP the Details

As we now know TCP will setup a "full-duplex" communication between two applications. The purpose of this post is to provide information on how that communication works.

John Kristoff has put together this excellent piece on the Web that covers the fundamental concepts behind TCP and how it is used to transport data between two endpoints.

If you go back to Daryl Banttari primer he will walk through an example of a TCP/IP communcation via packet sniffer.

The link below provide a technical breakdown of the TCP Header Format:

Understanding TCP/IP

Up to now the postings have covered basic tutorials on Networking. The purpose of this entry is to provide more detailed information on how TCP/IP works.

The link below provide a good overview of the protocol and importatnt sub protocols:

Daryl Banttari has put together a very good TCP/IP primer. He has targeted it toward LAN administrators just moving to TCP/IP, however it should help anyone who wants to know a little (more) about how TCP/IP works.

If you have reviwed all of the material and tutorials in this Web Log the animated movie below should be an excellent review. This is a great animated movie on TCP/IP and how the communications move through network devices on the internet.